A little under the weather

A few weeks ago I came down with a mystery cough, which didn't want to leave!!  I was feeling completely miserable and needed some cheering up!  Here are 3 things I did to stop feeling sorry for myself!!

1.  Sleep
Sometimes you've just got to have a duvet day, so I spent the day in my jim jams in bed.  When I eventually emerged in the early evening I felt a lot brighter for it.

A little under the weather
Photo Credit - Pixabay

2.  Indulge in a hot chocolate
My 'go to' hot drinks are tea and chai but when I'm feeling poorly there's nothing like a hot chocolate.  I curled up under a blanket, reading the Signature of all things by Elizabeth with my hot chocolate in hand.

A little under the weather
Photo Credit - Pixabay

3.  Watch something funny
I don't normally watch a lot of TV but Netflix has been a key part in my recovery!!  I watched the entire season of The Good Place.  It took a while to get into but it was worth it because it just got funnier and funnier.  

Do you have any tips for cheering yourself up when you're ill?


Anonymous said…
Having a cough is nasty.! Every time one starts talking, it starts whooping......embarrassing at times.
Anonymous said…
I do those things when I am feeling great (nothing beats PJ and good book days). My daughter and I love that show. Happy Friday.

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