Books to inspire you in 2018

A new year approaches.  Time to make (and break) New Year's resolutions.  Time to start planning that January gym fitness regime after the festive season spread.  And time for new beginnings.  

Here are 5 great books to inspire your journey into 2018.

Big Magic
Elizabeth Gilbert (author of Eat, Pray, Love) uses wonderful storytelling to spark our creativity.  I loved Eat, Pray, Love when I first read it back in 2010.  Big Magic was released in 2015 and is an inspiring read if you're trying to nurture your creative self.  Elizabeth's podcast, Magic Lessons, also provides ongoing support for making creative magic.

The Alchemist
"When a person really desires something, all the universe conspires to help that person realise his dream".
Paolo Coelho's world renowned fable of a shepherd searching for his treasure is a must-read for anyone searching for their own "Personal Legend".

The Happiness Project
Spend the year with Gretchen Rubin as she embarks on her Happiness Project.  She approaches the project in a down to earth, practical way which can be easily imitated.  Gretchen is now a thought leader in happiness, habits and human nature.  In 2014 she inspired me to start a Happiness Project of my own which has definitely had a positive effect on my life.  For more tips, follow her blog and tune into her weekly Happier Podcast which she co-hosts with her sister Elizabeth Craft.

Spark Joy
 Out with the old and in with the new!  Feel like your life needs streamlining?  Then this illustrated guide to tidying up is just for you!  You can also read all about Marie Kondo in my blogs Spark a Little Joy! and Podcasts to inspire your decluttering!

The ultimate in self-care.  Arianna Huffington guides us on a journey to well-being and better sleep.  This book made me stop and think about my life, and what I could change to prevent burn out.  Arianna also hosts a podcast where she speaks to guests like Demi Lovato and Katy Perry and discovers what makes them thrive.


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