Treat Yo' Self

I'm a huge fan of Parks and Recreation, an NBC series based in the fictional town of Pawnee.  Leslie Knope (Amy Poehler) and her colleagues at the Parks and Recreation offices celebrate a plethora of 'fake holidays', for example there is Galentine's day on February 13th when women celebrate their friendships.

But my favourite is the holiday which falls on 13th October - Treat Yo' Self Day.  Tom (Aziz Ansari) and Donna (Retta) indulge themselves in clothes, fragrances, massages, mimosas and fine leather goods.

New York Times Bestselling author Gretchen Rubin, author of Better than Before says that when we don't get treats we start to feel deprived and resentful, but by giving ourselves treats we feel energized and cared for.

Here are 10 Ways to Treat Yo Self:
  1. Do something you love.  This could be ironing, or going to a spa.  Whatever works for you!
  2. Buy those shoes/perfume/jewellery you've had your eye on for ages
  3. Take a nap (not while at work though!)
  4. Have a Netflix marathon
  5. Read a book
  6. Bake something yummy, like banana bread
  7. Go out into nature, take a long walk or spend the day at the beach
  8. Catch up with a friend (and since Treat Yo Self day is on a Friday have a chai latte)
  9. Have a bubble bath
  10. Be a tourist in your town and visit the local museum or art gallery
How will you treat yo' self?  Tag us on Instagram using #relaxandroam.

*If you're in New Zealand you can watch Parks and Recreation on Lightbox


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