Spark a little joy!

As the weather starts to warm up, it is a great time to pack away the winter clothes and prepare for the summer.

I recently read Spark Joy by Marie Kondo.  The book is an illustrated masterclass on tidying up.  Marie became interested in organizing at a young age and had started her consultant business by 19.  Her KonMari Method is an internationally renowned system and philosophy for tidying homes.

Earlier this year I stumbled across a documentary on Netflix called Minimalism: A Documentary About The Important Things.  I'd always thought myself to be relatively minimalistic, we migrated across the world with very few boxes and a friend once refused my help when she was moving house exclaiming that I was too extreme when it came to throwing things away!  After watching the show though it became clear that compared to Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus, I had a lot to learn!

So this weekend I threw myself into the advice in Spark Joy and started with clothes as Kondo advises.

And that's how far I got.  Because de-cluttering is hard work, especially when you can only keep the things that bring you joy!  But the results are a wonderfully tidy cupboard which is a very satisfying feeling.

If you'd like to be inspired to declutter as the seasons change, check out Marie Kondo's Intragram.


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