Mental Health Awareness Week

The theme of World Mental Health Day 2017, which is observed annually on 10th October, is Mental health in the workplace.

In New Zealand, the week of 9-15 October is Mental Health Awareness Week (#MHAWNZ) and this year's theme is Nature is Key.  Employers across New Zealand are encouraged to lock their staff out of the office for an hour from 12-1 so that they can head outside and connect with nature around their workplace. There are also many activities planned throughout the week.  

The Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand supports the Five Natural Ways to Wellbeing.  By introducing these actions into our lives we'll feel multiple benefits.

  1. Connect - talk and listen
  2. Give - your time
  3. Take Notice - remember the simple things that give you joy
  4. Keep Learning - embrace new experiences
  5. Be Active - do what you can

What will you do this week to boost your mental wellbeing?   


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