Bullet Journals

I love making lists.  I have a collection of lists, such as:
  • a grocery shopping list. 
  • a wonderful Zimpad notebook listing the things I need to do around the house and garden.  
  • a reminder list on my phone for those little tasks which need to be done out and about.  
  • a work notebook with my 'to do' and project lists.  
And so it was a revelation for me when I listened to Happier in Hollywood podcast where the hosts, Sarah Fain and Liz Craft debated the merits of bullet journals.  Sarah Instagrammed a photo of her bullet journal and on searching through Instagram, Youtube and Pinterest I found hundreds of examples.

What is a bullet journal?  It's essentially a notebook, used to dump thoughts and organise yourself, in the creative format of your choice.

So I tried to blend my lists together into one notebook but found it really difficult to do.  Also, my creativity extended to little check boxes, and looked nothing like the examples I'd pinned in my Pinterest.

But then I found Trello.  Trello is a web-based project management tool.  By creating lists for each week and cards for each day, you can replicate a bullet journal online.  The app allows you to check things off on the move.  And you can add photos etc to customise it, if you're a creative sort.  I still have a separate notebook for work but have been using Trello to keep track of everything else.

Do you have a bullet journal, or some other creative way of keeping track of your tasks?  Share on Instragram using #relaxandroam.


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