Happy Father's Day!

The first Sunday in September is Father's Day in New Zealand.  If you're reading this post from the rest of the world (other than Australia, Fiji and Papua New Guinea) then you probably did a double take.  Hasn't Father's Day already passed?  Wasn't it in June?

Well yes, and no.  Father's Day dates back to the early 1900s, inspired by Mother's Day services in the US.  For most countries it falls annually on the 3rd Sunday in June, which for the northern hemisphere is close to the Summer Solstice.  However Australia and New Zealand started celebrating the day on the first Sunday in September the 1930s.  There is much speculation around this including it being the start of spring (so dad can get a new BBQ, lawn mower etc) and there being so many Public Holidays between March and June (so this way we can spread them out a little).

Whatever the case, it is a special day to say a 'Thank you' to dads.  We celebrated today with the humble roast chicken and I made dad's favourite - red velvet cupcakesHappy Father's Day to all the dads out there!

Red velvet cupcake


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