3 things I learnt from podcasts this week

You've probably noticed that I love podcasts!  I spend 2 hours a day commuting and podcasts are a wonderful way to pass the time, and I learn so much!

Here are 3 things I learnt this week:

1. The first transaction on eBay in 1995 was a laser pointer pen.  
The BBC have a series called '50 Things That Made the Modern Economy'.  The episodes are only 10-15 minutes long.  This episode is called Seller Feedback

2. Polish football fans do not queue. 
The show hosts went to a Germany vs Poland football match.  The Germans went to the back of the line while the Poles made the line wider. Freakonomics Radio explores the hidden side of everything.  This episode was a rebroadcast (as they're off for the summer holidays) and is called What are you waiting for?

3. Eva Longoria enjoys watching subtitled movies.  
Anna Faris is an American actress (Scary Movie, House Bunny).  In her podcast 'Anna Faris is Unqualified', she interviews comedians and gives listeners 'unqualified' advice.  This episode has Eva Longoria as a guest.

While I've added links to the websites where these podcasts are available you can also listen to them on Apple iTunes, Spotify and other podcast apps.  Let me know if you learnt something new from a podcast this week!


Mr. Williams said…
The podcast titled "What are you waiting for?" By Freakonomics Radio is great! Who'd thinks up this stuff? Loved the bits where researchers investigated the psychology behind queue jumping. Also, Listen out for their suggested alternatives to traditional queues.....hilarious!

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